In the last issue we talked about what niche marketing is.
In this issue we are going to go over some of the
differences between niche marketing and internet marketing.
Comparing niche marketing and an internet marketing niche
is equivalent to comparing apples with oranges. Apples and
oranges are both fruit. Niche marketing and an internet
marketing niche are both forms of internet marketing but as
different as apples are from oranges.
As we went over in the last email the term niche marketing
means selling a specific product to a specific type of
buyer. There are far less competitive niches than the
internet marketing niche.
Most niche markets are more open to the latest marketing
strategies, as well. Small niche markets are not over
stocked with gurus and wise men and are much easier for the
beginning marketer to break into. A niche market allows you
to promote your own niche product or that of a niche
affiliate product.
There is a niche market for anything and everything you can
imagine. All it takes to break into a niche market is a
good idea, a good product created by you or someone else
that will appeal to certain people, some advertising and
the desire to succeed.
The internet marketing niche, on the other hand, means that
you will be promoting your own internet marketing product.
This is a very crowded field and really difficult to break
It's a world filled with gurus and wise men who have been
playing and winning the game for a long time. This doesn't
mean that it is impossible to cash in on the internet
marketing niche because, of course, you can. It is a world
still built on demand and that means that if you have a
product that can compete and if you have the willingness to
play hard ball with the big boys then you can succeed at
the internet marketing niche game. Just be aware that there
are easier niche market nuts to crack.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First Niche Marketing Basics Issue (Pt 1)
Welcome to the first of Issue Niche Marketing Basics.
In each issue of Niche Marketing Basics you will learn
valuable information on how you can get the best results
from your niche marketing efforts.
In this first issue I want to start by asking you a
What is Niche Marketing?
We hear the term thrown around a lot, but unless you really
understand what niche marketing is you will have a very
hard time being successful at it!
The word 'niche' is defined as: "A special area of demand
for a product or service". 'Marketing' is defined as: "The
opportunity to buy or sell". If you put the two words
together, niche marketing means buying or selling a product
or service in a special area of demand. All that really
means is that a product or service is being sold to the
people who are most interested in that particular product
or service and not to the world in general.
Often times big business uses niche marketing. For example,
a company that makes computers and computer accessories
might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the
home computer user while at the same time advertising
single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive
to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It
costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it
does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs
of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their
product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you
have designed a product to make gourmet cooking easy enough
for the untrained professional to do it, those who want to
be gourmet cooks will be most interested in your product.
Those who like to eat out would not.
In essence, niche marketing is selling a product or service
to those who want or need the product the most.
Finding the right niche for what you have to sell isn't
really all that difficult. Just think about who the people
are who would be most interested in what you have to sell.
Before you decide which niche market to dive into you will
need to do a little research. You will want to make sure
that the market is easily defined and reachable. You will
also want to find out what your potential customer likes
to do and read.
- What kind of trade articles or books do they read?
- Do they have clubs or are members of particular
- Does the group have an insane passion for their hobby or
topic of interest?
- Do they eat, sleep, and breathe their hobby?
- Do they actively seek more information related to their
Ask yourself, is the market small enough that you won't
have to many competitors, but still large enough for you to
make a good profit?
Most of all does the market have the money to spend?
Doing research related to these questions will help you
pick the perfect niche to market to. In future issues we
will go more into how you can research and pick profitable
niches. In the mean time keep the questions above in mind
when your are trying to choose a new niche market.
Look for your next issue soon...
In each issue of Niche Marketing Basics you will learn
valuable information on how you can get the best results
from your niche marketing efforts.
In this first issue I want to start by asking you a
What is Niche Marketing?
We hear the term thrown around a lot, but unless you really
understand what niche marketing is you will have a very
hard time being successful at it!
The word 'niche' is defined as: "A special area of demand
for a product or service". 'Marketing' is defined as: "The
opportunity to buy or sell". If you put the two words
together, niche marketing means buying or selling a product
or service in a special area of demand. All that really
means is that a product or service is being sold to the
people who are most interested in that particular product
or service and not to the world in general.
Often times big business uses niche marketing. For example,
a company that makes computers and computer accessories
might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the
home computer user while at the same time advertising
single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive
to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It
costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it
does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs
of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their
product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you
have designed a product to make gourmet cooking easy enough
for the untrained professional to do it, those who want to
be gourmet cooks will be most interested in your product.
Those who like to eat out would not.
In essence, niche marketing is selling a product or service
to those who want or need the product the most.
Finding the right niche for what you have to sell isn't
really all that difficult. Just think about who the people
are who would be most interested in what you have to sell.
Before you decide which niche market to dive into you will
need to do a little research. You will want to make sure
that the market is easily defined and reachable. You will
also want to find out what your potential customer likes
to do and read.
- What kind of trade articles or books do they read?
- Do they have clubs or are members of particular
- Does the group have an insane passion for their hobby or
topic of interest?
- Do they eat, sleep, and breathe their hobby?
- Do they actively seek more information related to their
Ask yourself, is the market small enough that you won't
have to many competitors, but still large enough for you to
make a good profit?
Most of all does the market have the money to spend?
Doing research related to these questions will help you
pick the perfect niche to market to. In future issues we
will go more into how you can research and pick profitable
niches. In the mean time keep the questions above in mind
when your are trying to choose a new niche market.
Look for your next issue soon...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Finding Niches, Buyers and Profits
One of the toughest areas to understand, for the new Internet
Marketer, is finding a niche and profiting from it. There are
the challenges of competition, saturation, "freebie seekers"
vs. buyers, seasonal trends, customer profiles, prices to
charge, etc. Even the matter of what day of the week to make
an offer is different from market to market.
Market research begins with finding a ready pool of buyers.
It's relatively easy to attract people to a source of
information, if it's free. Driving hungry buyers, with wads
of cash to spend right now, to an offer they "don't refuse"
is a skill that takes knowledge and practice. It all starts
with locating active buyers. Never make the mistake of trying
to sell something that people don't want. Go to where people
are already spending money and help them spend some more.
The best place for the novice to begin (and the expert to
expand) is people who are desperate. Here's an example: if
you have a wretchedly painful toothache for long enough, even
a phobia about dentists won't stop you from finding one and
getting help. You certainly won't mind paying a premium for
an immediate appointment and quick relief. Now, consider all
the painful, embarrassing, obsessive, nagging problems that
people have, from physical challenges to greed for money,
from lonely hearts to acne scars.
If you can find an affiliate program for a product or service
that caters to such a buyer, or you can create one yourself,
you have the makings of a niche market that will pay top
dollar for your solution. Remember, these people are either
hurting or greedy and have a powerful emotional drive to
spend NOW. There is one rule you need to follow with this
type of market - deliver the goods. In fact, make a point of
over delivering on your promises to them. You'll create a
customer that will happily send more customers your way, via
word of mouth advertising or your own affiliate program for
your product or service.
Beyond desperate buyers, there are the folks with money to
burn and a need for the best. Some of the most profitable
online businesses serve rich individuals (and companies with
big budgets) with exclusive products and services. One pair
of designer sunglasses can retail for thousands of dollars.
One corporate account for holiday gift giving can net you
enough money to buy as many pairs of designer sunglasses as
you could possibly want. Consider the luxury market when
investigating niches. The amount of money spent in these
niches is disproportionately large, when compared to the
total amount of money spent online.
Finally, there's your personal passion. If you love fishing,
needlework, dogs, rock climbing, post cards or any of the
hobbies and interests that appeal to other people, there's a
way to "monetize" that hobby for fun and profit. You can
create an Authority site, a monthly membership site, deliver
products and services in your niche or simply blog about it
and put up advertising that appeals to your readers. By
exploring the Internet for others who share your passion (and
are making a buck doing it), you can begin to develop an idea
that could become an excellent source of income for you.
The bottom line in Market Research is locating a market of
buyers FIRST. Don't put the cart before the horse, here. You
may have what you think is the greatest idea since the
invention of round, wheel-like thingies, but will sadly
discover that no one wants to buy one from you. Find the
river of money first and bring a bucket.
Marketer, is finding a niche and profiting from it. There are
the challenges of competition, saturation, "freebie seekers"
vs. buyers, seasonal trends, customer profiles, prices to
charge, etc. Even the matter of what day of the week to make
an offer is different from market to market.
Market research begins with finding a ready pool of buyers.
It's relatively easy to attract people to a source of
information, if it's free. Driving hungry buyers, with wads
of cash to spend right now, to an offer they "don't refuse"
is a skill that takes knowledge and practice. It all starts
with locating active buyers. Never make the mistake of trying
to sell something that people don't want. Go to where people
are already spending money and help them spend some more.
The best place for the novice to begin (and the expert to
expand) is people who are desperate. Here's an example: if
you have a wretchedly painful toothache for long enough, even
a phobia about dentists won't stop you from finding one and
getting help. You certainly won't mind paying a premium for
an immediate appointment and quick relief. Now, consider all
the painful, embarrassing, obsessive, nagging problems that
people have, from physical challenges to greed for money,
from lonely hearts to acne scars.
If you can find an affiliate program for a product or service
that caters to such a buyer, or you can create one yourself,
you have the makings of a niche market that will pay top
dollar for your solution. Remember, these people are either
hurting or greedy and have a powerful emotional drive to
spend NOW. There is one rule you need to follow with this
type of market - deliver the goods. In fact, make a point of
over delivering on your promises to them. You'll create a
customer that will happily send more customers your way, via
word of mouth advertising or your own affiliate program for
your product or service.
Beyond desperate buyers, there are the folks with money to
burn and a need for the best. Some of the most profitable
online businesses serve rich individuals (and companies with
big budgets) with exclusive products and services. One pair
of designer sunglasses can retail for thousands of dollars.
One corporate account for holiday gift giving can net you
enough money to buy as many pairs of designer sunglasses as
you could possibly want. Consider the luxury market when
investigating niches. The amount of money spent in these
niches is disproportionately large, when compared to the
total amount of money spent online.
Finally, there's your personal passion. If you love fishing,
needlework, dogs, rock climbing, post cards or any of the
hobbies and interests that appeal to other people, there's a
way to "monetize" that hobby for fun and profit. You can
create an Authority site, a monthly membership site, deliver
products and services in your niche or simply blog about it
and put up advertising that appeals to your readers. By
exploring the Internet for others who share your passion (and
are making a buck doing it), you can begin to develop an idea
that could become an excellent source of income for you.
The bottom line in Market Research is locating a market of
buyers FIRST. Don't put the cart before the horse, here. You
may have what you think is the greatest idea since the
invention of round, wheel-like thingies, but will sadly
discover that no one wants to buy one from you. Find the
river of money first and bring a bucket.
Monday, May 10, 2010
For website traffic, this works like crazy...
Have you ever wondered why you are not seeing any results after
spending hours putting up a website and developing a product or
trying to promote affiliate products?
Have you ever wondered what the one key is to increasing your
income online?
The answer to your question is simply...
Plain and simple without traffic a website will fail.
It is not rocket science, it is just plain fact. You can have the
best looking website and the best concept ever online, but with no
visitors to the site the website cannot produce anything for you.
You need actual people looking at your offer and your website for it
to do anything for you. If you want to increase your profits on an
existing website one of the tried and true things you can do is to
increase traffic.
So it is safe to say that we all agree that a website needs traffic
to succeed online and if you want to make more than you are
currently making online then you need more traffic.
You Not Only Need Traffic, You Need the RIGHT KIND of Traffic
Period, end of story...
Read on to learn how you can start getting targeted traffic on
demand to your website and offers so you can start seeing more
profits fast!
Inside this special 10 part video training you'll discover...
How to compete and beat the biggest websites online with absolutely
no advertising budget!
My secret system and process for generating targeted traffic to your
website within 24 hours!
Proven SEO strategies that only the most seasoned SEO professionals
are aware of.
My list of special websites that you should be using to drive
massive traffic and how to leverage them for massive online traffic.
One viral marketing strategy very few marketers even use and how you
can tap into this for massive traffic.
A strategy that most people associate with promoting an offline
business, but if you actually take this method online the results
are amazing for increasing your traffic!
How to properly repurpose your content to create a massive influx of
cash-in-hand website visitors nearly begging to become your next
The process for using a secret website to find and gain massive back
links from up and coming powerful websites.
A simple 5 minute strategy for creating an effective online video
that will pull website visitors to your site like a magnet.
Plus much, much more!
For more info, go here now:
spending hours putting up a website and developing a product or
trying to promote affiliate products?
Have you ever wondered what the one key is to increasing your
income online?
The answer to your question is simply...
Plain and simple without traffic a website will fail.
It is not rocket science, it is just plain fact. You can have the
best looking website and the best concept ever online, but with no
visitors to the site the website cannot produce anything for you.
You need actual people looking at your offer and your website for it
to do anything for you. If you want to increase your profits on an
existing website one of the tried and true things you can do is to
increase traffic.
So it is safe to say that we all agree that a website needs traffic
to succeed online and if you want to make more than you are
currently making online then you need more traffic.
You Not Only Need Traffic, You Need the RIGHT KIND of Traffic
Period, end of story...
Read on to learn how you can start getting targeted traffic on
demand to your website and offers so you can start seeing more
profits fast!
Inside this special 10 part video training you'll discover...
How to compete and beat the biggest websites online with absolutely
no advertising budget!
My secret system and process for generating targeted traffic to your
website within 24 hours!
Proven SEO strategies that only the most seasoned SEO professionals
are aware of.
My list of special websites that you should be using to drive
massive traffic and how to leverage them for massive online traffic.
One viral marketing strategy very few marketers even use and how you
can tap into this for massive traffic.
A strategy that most people associate with promoting an offline
business, but if you actually take this method online the results
are amazing for increasing your traffic!
How to properly repurpose your content to create a massive influx of
cash-in-hand website visitors nearly begging to become your next
The process for using a secret website to find and gain massive back
links from up and coming powerful websites.
A simple 5 minute strategy for creating an effective online video
that will pull website visitors to your site like a magnet.
Plus much, much more!
For more info, go here now:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Top 5 Ways to collect names for a Mailing List
Do not underestimate having a mailing list. It is one of the most powerful marketing tools you’ll ever have in your arsenal. I run quite a large mailing list on a few of my sites & they’ve always been very successful at:
Firstly you need the software to collect the names & put them in a database. I use Aweber (19.99/month, you can try it free for 30 days) for this but if you don’t want to pay a $19.99/month you can use PHPlist or Zoodoka.
Once you’ve created a form for the user to submit the data you need to make sure your mailing lists are targeted. There’s no point collecting data from all your websites & putting it into one big database if the websites are about different subjects.
Keep each list as targeted as possible, that way you don’t scare subscribers off by sending them information they didn’t sign up for.
So what are my top ways of gathering list subscribers:
Create a Forum: When someone signs up to your forum they’re already subscribed to your forum mailing list, unless they choose “not to receive email from administrators.” A monthly newsletter is a great way to keep forums active & to also generate sales by endorsing products. You can also find decent sponsors for your newsletter if you’ve got more than 10,000 members.
Unique Content: Offer unique content that is only available in your newsletter. Simple yet really effective way to “encourage” list signups. It could be a book you’ve written or tips on a particular subject. Be Creative
Use an Floating Opt-in Box: DHTML opt-in boxes allow you to float in an unkillable popup. This can be used in conjunction with the previous point to help offer unique content that’s only available on the mailing list. You need to be wary on using this technique on blogs as it can scare potential subscribers away.
Set up an Autoresponder: If you’re ever selling items on ebay, craigslist or even getting personal emails it’s often good to set up an Autoresponder. Aweber can do this, you can also do it with thunderbird or outlook if you leave your computer on 24 hours a day. Simply include a link to your opt-in list in your email signature that fires off whenever an email is recieved saying “I have recieved your mail & will respond as soon as possible, in the meantime why not sign up to my mailing list for blah blah blah……” Bingo.
Write Ebooks: Naturally you’ll want to look further afield to get opt-in list subscribers than just from your main site. Spread your reach by turning your website into seperate PDF documents with Go2PDF (Freeware). Make sure to include your opt-in box at the bottom of each article. Then start sharing these documents on File Sharing networks & giving them away free in Ebay Auctions. Giving the books resale rights is often a great way to get exposure, include a condition that in order to resell this book you must keep the opt-in box intact.
I plan on including more posts about building lists & managing lists but hopefully this should get your started with some ideas.
- Generating quick revenue bursts
- Getting lapsed members & readers to become active again
Firstly you need the software to collect the names & put them in a database. I use Aweber (19.99/month, you can try it free for 30 days) for this but if you don’t want to pay a $19.99/month you can use PHPlist or Zoodoka.
Once you’ve created a form for the user to submit the data you need to make sure your mailing lists are targeted. There’s no point collecting data from all your websites & putting it into one big database if the websites are about different subjects.
Keep each list as targeted as possible, that way you don’t scare subscribers off by sending them information they didn’t sign up for.
So what are my top ways of gathering list subscribers:
Create a Forum: When someone signs up to your forum they’re already subscribed to your forum mailing list, unless they choose “not to receive email from administrators.” A monthly newsletter is a great way to keep forums active & to also generate sales by endorsing products. You can also find decent sponsors for your newsletter if you’ve got more than 10,000 members.
Unique Content: Offer unique content that is only available in your newsletter. Simple yet really effective way to “encourage” list signups. It could be a book you’ve written or tips on a particular subject. Be Creative

Use an Floating Opt-in Box: DHTML opt-in boxes allow you to float in an unkillable popup. This can be used in conjunction with the previous point to help offer unique content that’s only available on the mailing list. You need to be wary on using this technique on blogs as it can scare potential subscribers away.
Set up an Autoresponder: If you’re ever selling items on ebay, craigslist or even getting personal emails it’s often good to set up an Autoresponder. Aweber can do this, you can also do it with thunderbird or outlook if you leave your computer on 24 hours a day. Simply include a link to your opt-in list in your email signature that fires off whenever an email is recieved saying “I have recieved your mail & will respond as soon as possible, in the meantime why not sign up to my mailing list for blah blah blah……” Bingo.
Write Ebooks: Naturally you’ll want to look further afield to get opt-in list subscribers than just from your main site. Spread your reach by turning your website into seperate PDF documents with Go2PDF (Freeware). Make sure to include your opt-in box at the bottom of each article. Then start sharing these documents on File Sharing networks & giving them away free in Ebay Auctions. Giving the books resale rights is often a great way to get exposure, include a condition that in order to resell this book you must keep the opt-in box intact.
I plan on including more posts about building lists & managing lists but hopefully this should get your started with some ideas.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Death of Clickbank
The Clickbank debate has been roaring on a number of forums lately, Publishers are getting annoyed & a lot of people are starting to jump ship.
A number of rumours have surfaced about why sales are dropping, about why some big guns who regularly make sales every single day see periods of silence in their sales chart for no apparrent reason….
But lets face it, Clickbank is most probably fighting a losing battle unless they start taking on better quality products & services. Everyone has become savvy to most of the scams that were profitable on Clickbank:
For those of you that are still pushing Clickbank hard here’s a wakeup call for you:
That’s a chart of (the server address that provides affiliate hoplinks) over the past 3 years. Traffic through hoplinks has fallen by around 65% since Mid 2006.
The days of making easy money from Clickbank are gone. Dead. Until they step up & offer:
What’s your thoughts?
A number of rumours have surfaced about why sales are dropping, about why some big guns who regularly make sales every single day see periods of silence in their sales chart for no apparrent reason….
But lets face it, Clickbank is most probably fighting a losing battle unless they start taking on better quality products & services. Everyone has become savvy to most of the scams that were profitable on Clickbank:
- Paid Surveys
- Make Money Ebooks
- “Free” Game & Movie Downloads
- Zune & PSP Download Sites
For those of you that are still pushing Clickbank hard here’s a wakeup call for you:

The days of making easy money from Clickbank are gone. Dead. Until they step up & offer:
- A better tracking system that can track clickthrough & conversion data
- A more reliant hoplink system that doesn’t lose cookie information
What’s your thoughts?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Register For Adsense, Join Adsense
Registering for Google Adsense is fairly easy. If you already have a website then you can register straight away. Just follow the link at the bottom of this page.
Google will do a quick review of your site just to make sure that it meets their Program Policies.
Please also note that you are not allowed to click on your own Adsense Ads, this will result in a ban from Google. Once you’ve been accepted you can put the Adsense code onto your website & start earning every time someone clicks on the ads. The payout depends on the type of site that you have, here’s some examples:
High Paying Niches
Google will do a quick review of your site just to make sure that it meets their Program Policies.
Please also note that you are not allowed to click on your own Adsense Ads, this will result in a ban from Google. Once you’ve been accepted you can put the Adsense code onto your website & start earning every time someone clicks on the ads. The payout depends on the type of site that you have, here’s some examples:
High Paying Niches
- Debt
- Credit Cards
- Lawyers
- Celebrities
- Tattoos
- Dance Music
Make Money With Nuffnang
There is another way for Make Money and one of them is Nuffnang. Perhaps you've heard or maybe you already know.
Nuffnang is same money program as any other program that is based on the concept of Pay Per Click or advertising. And what you should do is to put ads on your blog. If an ad is clicked on by many visitors, you will have the higher income.
Many people make money with this Nuffnang. My first glance at the first Nuffnang launched was the Nuffnang program, due to many problems in the beginning, so I stopped.
but now is much different. Nuffnang program is more advanced and get the response from advertisers such as McDonald, DiGi and many other large companies.
Nuffnang is same money program as any other program that is based on the concept of Pay Per Click or advertising. And what you should do is to put ads on your blog. If an ad is clicked on by many visitors, you will have the higher income.
Many people make money with this Nuffnang. My first glance at the first Nuffnang launched was the Nuffnang program, due to many problems in the beginning, so I stopped.
but now is much different. Nuffnang program is more advanced and get the response from advertisers such as McDonald, DiGi and many other large companies.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Do not be deceived by the
illegal investment schemes
and instant rich schemes
on the internet!
Find out! Method of making real money on the internet!
illegal investment schemes
and instant rich schemes
on the internet!
Find out! Method of making real money on the internet!
To my dear ..
At 12 April 2007 ago, the National Fatwa Council has unanimously decided that Internet investment is forbidden in Islam. This statement has make me a little happy, because since internet investment has been to my knowledge, investment schemes conducted over the Internet is actually a Ponzi scheme, a new millennium which is intended to deceive people that is too easy to believe in a dream to be rich quickly.
The ban was also aware that so many people has been trapped into the trap of investment schemes & hope to quickly return them to the right path and remove them from drifting .
Coupled with the consciousness and exposure by the media, but, increasingly many people who realized and began to be aware of the opportunities to make money through this inernet.
However, a little disappointing. Many people are confused by the term INVESTMENT IN INTERNET. In them, whatever the matter relating to "Make Money on the Internet" is invalid and can not be trusted. More sad again, not only ordinary people are confused by 2 things, the fact that the parties considered the reliability of ICT, such as Cyber Security Center also was confused about it.
Make money or generate income through the internet really is not something impossible. In fact there are many individuals in the world in general and Malaysia in particular, has resulted in a lot of money on the Internet. Among the best known names are Dr. Irfan Khairi . He has managed to become millionaires by simply doing business on the internet .... repeated .. INTERNET BUSINESS ....
To provide greater understanding of "METHOD OF MAKING REAL MONEY ON INTERNET" , Let me explain to you. Hopefully you can be expanded chest and empty your mind first of all the notion and the stories you have heard before about "MAKING MONEY ON INTERNET.
Overall, there are 3 methods / ways to make money on the internet, namely: -
- Internet Business
- Internet Program
- Internet investment
1) Internet Business
One of the most certain method to enable you to make money on the internet is to run your business on the internet. Internet business is not much different from the conventional concept of the business. You still need products to sell and require customers to buy. What is different is the business transaction process, which, the transactions are conducted online. The buyer and seller are not face to face and thousands of miles away.
Internet business can be divided into 2 forms. Namely, whether "business based on" product or "service-based business."
Business Based Services
Among the examples of internet-based business services are: -
- Graphic design services (logo, banner, cover ebook)
- Website design services
- Services to install the software.
- Webhosting services
- Writing & translation service article
Product-Based Business
For internet-based business products, it can be divided into 2 types of products. Namely, whether a physical product or digital product.
Examples of Internet businesses based products are: -
Physical Product
- Sell mats
- Sell electricity saver
- Sell Books
- Selling Map
- Sell Aircraft Model
- Sell Sell multimedia CD
- Sell Bedsheets
Digital Products
- Selling Ebook
- Selling software
- Sell MP3 lectures learning.
- Sell photos / graphics professionals
- Selling video tutorial
- and various other ...
Internet businesses such as this is rarely true, and there is cheating. If there is a trick even relatively small percentage (Just like a conventional business, there are traders who commit fraud in their business.). Internet traders using the Internet more fully to market their products. So! is impossible for you to make money on the internet to do business on the Internet? Certainly not impossible at all. You CAN make money on the internet to conduct Internet BUSINESS!
Business on the Internet are the same as a conventional business. there is a seller, buyer and product. In the Internet business .... no term money invest, take it easy and then become rich.
To build a successful Internet business is not something that is too simple. It requires concerted efforts and high knowledge, particularly knowledge relating to the business world. To build a successful Internet business, you need to have knowledge on "niche Market Research", "Product Development", "Web Development", "Internet Marketing", "Search Engine Optimization (SEO)", "Sales Letter Writing," " Web Credibility "," Healthy Generation "and various other knowledge to be learned and know ..... Developing Internet businesses, is not as easy as developing the website and just put it on the internet .. it is more than that. So, is not the term "Get Money Stay Silent" in the Internet business world.
2) Internet Program
The second method for making money on the Internet is through programs internet. This method is easier to do when compared with the first method of "building internet businesses."
This program is Internet. can be categorized into several types, namely: -
- Advertising Program
- Google Adsense
- Text-Links-Ads
- Bidvertiser
- Nuffnang
- Advertlets
- Affiliate Program
- Clickbank
- Commision Junction
- PayDotCom
- Internet MLM
- Get Paid To Program
- Get Paid to Read Email
- GET Paid to Surf
- Get Paid to Survey
- Randomizer
- Forced Matrix
Advertising Program
Advertising programs such as google adsense, bidvertiser, text-link-ads , nuffnang and others, is an advertising program that links between "the ad publisher" with "the ad buyers." If you want to make money on the Internet through advertising programs, you must be the "publisher's ads," or more commonly known as the "Publisher".
As a "publisher", you will need to provide some space on your website, to put the ads from the advertising programs you join. The organizer program such as google ads, text-links-ads, bidevrtiser and so on, will pay you a fixed basis, ie according to the number of clicks, number of views or even calculated how many days old the ad is displayed on your website.
Money used to pay you, that they, in fact, is not coming from the organizers, but the money-money, actually came from the ad buyers parties (parties who wish to advertise their website / their products). So, here, it can be seen from the source of the money comes and where it is channeled. (From the pocket of ad buyers, the organizers of the program, and then to your pocket, because they are willing to display ads).
Affiliate Program
In conventional business, there are some business owners, salespeople, and salespeople to appoint agents to help them promote and sell their products to the public. Successful agents make sales, the commission will be some revenue from the sales price of the product.
On the Internet, salesperson, salespeople and agents, the so-called "affiliate."
Meanwhile, the affiliate program is, is a program provided by the owners of a business website, to appoint individuals like you to join them. The process of registration as an agent of an affiliate program usually is free. You will not be charged any fees to register as their agent.
After registering as an agent in an affiliate program, you will be supplied with a URL with your ID. Your task, but promoting the URL. When there are people who send a "click" on your URL and then buy products sold on the website, you will receive a commission.
That is a brief description of the affiliate program, you register as an agent on a website run "Internet business", and subsequently, promote the URL of your affiliate ID. If no buyer, you will receive a commission.
One major feature that you need to know about affiliate programs is that legitimate affiliate program that has many levels (tier). Maximum level (Tier) that allowed for only 2-level affiliate program (2nd tier) only. This is because the affiliate program more priority to product sales and commissions provided is based on the number of product sales, rather than the number of "downline" is derived. So, if there is a website that they were carrying out an affiliate program and level (tier) of their affiliates more than 2, which is sometimes to reach levels 5-8. Do not join! That was a pyramid scheme that you are trying to make light of the term "Affiliate Program".
Internet MLM
Now, the MLM Industry "Multi-Level-Marketing" is not out to use the Internet as a marketing medium. Many MLM companies have their own website and also provide virtual office facilities for their members.
However, the MLM industry at present is quite serious, because a lot of MLM companies have been affected by the pyramid schemes that often use "AJL license" for an MLM company as their mask.
The commission should be based on "selling products" have been changed and is now paid on a "number of new agents which could be sponsored. So, it is not surprising if we look, why MLM players today, plot-matian looking for new members in their downline promote the marketing and selling products from the MLM company itself.
Signs of the sale which should explain the benefits of products such as "This product is quality! Guaranteed healthy and clean" is changed to "Be a millionaire MLM without a product to sell, without the need to" maintain "month and the next without ever meeting each week!", "Just need to register to be a member of USDXXX fees and only find 2-3 friends! And you'll become a millionaire within a few months!"
So, be careful is if you want to join any MLM company in this period, had "AJL License" from the ministry of trade has not been sufficient only to prove they are a true MLM company. This is because, many MLM companies that produce a different marketing plan when they want to apply for a license from the ministry. Once able to license other marketing plans. That's why you can see, the marketing plan are explained in lectures that they are completely different with the marketing plan set out in the booklet of their membership.
Program "Get Paid To ..." (GPT)
This is another method of make money on the internet, but frankly, these programs, most of the plot and you will only waste time. There are some programGPT, which offers you up to USD100 for you to read every email sent. Do not easily believe and gray eyes, ask first .. "Where did you get them to pay USD 100 to you for every email?". From the advertisers? I beg your pardon, but in the business world, there is no dealer was willing to pay sebodoh USD100 to everyone who read their advertising mail.
The real purpose of organizing the programs "get paid to .." This is actually just to get your email address and then sell it to the parties that are not held liable. As a result, your email inbox will receive many spam e-mail, email (email is not invited) that contains the ads, such as Viagra, ectasy pills, drugs, pornographic websites, cheap software and a person claiming to government property administrator nigeria just the king's death.
So, do not waste your time with programs like this. No person who is rich of joining such programs.
Randomizer Program
This is a program make money on the Internet that combines the "get rich quick schemes" and "gaming program." To make money from this program, you have to "donate" and once they register as members, and then, you have to find other friends to also "donating" (the victim) into the program.
To whom the money you have in "donation" is not it? First, the organizer of the program, the second .. to the person who invited you to join this program .. and third ... to any member who will be chosen randomly by the system. Follow the fate ... If your name is selected, so keep money .. if not .. find another "victim" to another.
Forced Matrix Program
This is a pyramid scheme, carried out in blatant internet. But many are deceived by the words "forced matrix" that is, they say, allegedly, it is a sophisticated program, it's name has also advanced. In fact, it is a pyramid scheme. In a forced matrix program ni, victims are required to pay the money as a member and then find 2-10 people to make their downline. They will organize 5 people at level 1 under them, having completed level 1 to 5 of the victims, the victims of the 6th will be placed at level-2, on the second level, they need to find a total of 25 victims. So on, the more level, the more victims are needed. What members forced matrix program does not realize is that this program really will be saturated at the level of the 13th, even if the entire population of the world to participate. However, in most cases, it will be saturated at the level of the 6 & 7. Why? why .. not many people who are "stupid" on the Internet who want to participate in such programs. The funny thing is, they are less intelligent that the scheme would say "Nothing! We need to work harder with the promotion of this program, then ... all our efforts will be successful !"...
Here is illustrated the arrangement of the pyramid scheme that used by the "forced matrix 5"

When the program is saturated at the level to 6 (because there is no longer a "less good" to deceive), then people will lose 55.944 (level 3-6) and only 42 people only who will gain (level 1 - 2). So, my advice, you stay away from programs like this, because you will never know the level where you are when you join the program.
3) Internet Investment
HYIP (High Investment Program)
This is the best method is the most-liked by many people, they throw their money! ... Wobbly legs! Just months ..a lot of money fly into your bank account!
Matter is what the organizers do with the money?
Matter is what they do not have a license to?
Regard to any lawful to unlawful?
Matter is what they do not have a license to?
Regard to any lawful to unlawful?
What is important ..... Premature .. Confirm to the profit and so-so percent!
HYIP, Swisscash, E-Karabakh, ABFund and whatever website that promises you will gain, are some examples of websites offering internet investment schemes this. They do not have a license, and take deposits from people illegally.
This method was money on the internet at "illegal" state by the National Fatwa Council on 12 April 2007 year. An investment is conducted via the Internet ... real name, get rich quick scheme the new millennium.
Money from investors X, Y, Z will be given to investors A, B, C, which is the earliest of those who invest in illegal investment. And, when investors A, B, C is a gain of money as promised by the organizers of this illegal investment (which is actually deliberately given to strengthen the public trust). So, investors A, B, and C is annaunced which they allegedly had a double gain from their investment in such illegal investment schemes.
"Look how much money I can get my result of this investment, which is invalid? If the trick, I will not get this much money?"
A word of investors ,"Join us, do not listen to the words of your friends, they think that all people are low-minded" , Said investor B
"Illegal wonder .... you can stroll with illegal! If you want to ban all illegal ..!" C investors said that trying to justify things that are illegal.
I do not want a talk much about illegal investment here, I have been tired, if you want to read more on illegal investments, you can visit the following web sites: -
What is certain, is the puppeteers illegal investment schemes and get rich quick is in search of new tactics to pursue further their fraudulent activity. Listen to the word, they are now busy making the web sites of new investment, new to this website, they no longer return "Fixed", But the return is given, based on "Performance" investment !. When asked, Where is the money of investors be invested? .. Where the investment license? Where investment annual reports? "Oh! It can not reveal the secret .. our investment strategy!" simple reason that they provide to the community once again to make light.
My advice to you! If there was money opportunities offered to you, especially if they ask for money from you (whether in the form of membership fees / investments) and then ask you for help to enable you to get big profits in time short. Be very careful ... ops! sorry! Not careful .. but fled a long time in dreadful commotion.
First survey of the origin of money that you earn the profits? Oh! Yer ... When I ask you to do"reasearch, it does not mean, reading all the information at their website and then believe it 100%.
But what I mean by the words "research" is, first survey their modus operandi, from whatever source the money came, and where the money went. What causes them to give you high profits in a short time?. But if you are too poor to make a "research", ask and consult the other partner who is more familiar to this investment.
Forex Investment
A further investment come into the madness of the public at this time (particularly former victims Autosurf & HYIP) is a forex investment through the Internet. For your information, forex investment is a very risky investment. In fact, the Government and Bank Negara Malaysia does not allow any individuals and companies in Malaysia to carry out this forex trading. Only banking institutions are allowed and a license to carry out the forex trading. Among the Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, Pos Malaysia Berhad and the National Savings Bank.
So, what is done by individuals who have a "passion" a high level of forex investment, they find and use the web sites of foreign brokers to conduct their forex transactions.
However, what they know, many brokers web sites are scam and is not licensed.
So, to those who are "passion" was not arrested, last longer than playing the forex, be careful when you choose the web sites broker to invest in forex.
Investment Shares on Bursa Malaysia via the Internet
Banks in Malaysia such as Maybank, CIMB, RHB, and others were going a step further in optimise use of the Internet in their business. This is because the banks have managed to provide its customers do buy and sell shares on Bursa Malaysia is through the Internet, via their website.
To carry out the transaction (play) shares on Bursa Malaysia via the internet, you need to open a trading account (Trading & CDS account) you are in any branch of Maybank / CIMB / RHB near you.
However, it should be understood, the investment shares in Bursa Malaysia has a relatively high risk as well. So, be sure to have enough knowledge before investing money in the stock market.
Investment is not connected with the "INTERNET INVESTMENTS" I have the above facts, it is a common stock investment in Bursa Malaysia, just now, all sale and purchase transactions of shares, can be done via the Internet.
So, investing in shares on the exchange com conducted through the Internet is safe and may be said to be true, because you are investing in Bursa Malaysia that its business is already recognized by the Central Bank.
In conclusion ... MAKING MONEY FROM INTERNET is not a magical thing, full of deceit!. It is not impossible and has been done successfully by many people. In fact, in Malaysia, there are many individuals who successfully make money on the internet.
Thank you, greetings from my entrepreneurial ..
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